

Camps Near vicksburg Miss March the 11th 1863
Deare Companion I imbrace the present oppu
tunity of wrighting you afew lines witch Leavs
me well and hope that when theys few Lins
Comes to hand that they May find you all
well and doing well I have notheing of
of intrust to wright to you at this time
more than this is six Letters that I have Rote to
you sence I have Received arry one frome
you and I am a giting to think mity Longe
of the time a giting of Aletter from you I
wante you to Rite to me wether you
git any letters to me ore not fore I Rite
To you if you donte git them it not my
fault I am agoinge to send forty five
dollars to you by Marion eachs ore
Parks bell and it will be broute to Mr
Alfurd Jonese and you can git it by
going ore sending to his howse and I want
to wright to me Rite off wether you git it or
not and I wante you to yous it to the
best advantedg that you can and if you
think you can spare the money I want
you to take up the Larges note that Eans
Autry has agints me and when you
[page 2]
wright I want you to Rite wether you
have Rented oute my place ore
you hant I want you to soowe it in
oats if you cant git it tended I drother
you wolde have it tended if you can
I wante you to wright wether you hav
have got your well curbin and shel
terd overe or not I want you to Rit
to me wether you Receivd the Mony
that I sent by Matha Bell or not I sent
you seventy dollars by him $70 by
him and I want to know if you
got it I wante you to manage your
bisness to the best advantage that
can as I cant be ther to assist you
and I donte you to fail to rite to me
becose I am alonge ways from you I want
you to rite often too me fore I have not
forgotten you nor nevry will I I wan
wante to see you and the children the
worst I evry did I hope that the time
will soon come that I can be with you
like I youst to be I wante you to Rite
wether you draw any sault or not and
what you dou draw I want you to Rite
how thee baby is acoming one wether is grain
much or not I will tell you something
[page 3]
we have had aheape of Rainy wether
her and when we have to got off one
picket we have to go about 12 Miles
one pickit and we have to go evry
and we Some times have to
March in mud up to our
neess owr folks has taken a boate
with six guns one it that shot
13 inch baulls thrure diamter
and the yankess that belonge to
the boate ther was 75 sevinty five
of them fore I counted them my
self they had them prisenerse
and fetch them threw vicksburg
when you Rite to me direct
your letters to vicksburg Mis
and then I will git them
I will close by sending you
my Love to you and the
children so howdy and
Farewell to you All at the same
time Willbrun Thompson
To Charlota J Thompson

March 11, 1863


Company G, 56 GA Infantry


Name Variant: 
Wife of Wilburn Thompson


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
June, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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