

Thunderbolt Battery May 21rst 1863.
Mrs. Nancy J Harden
My Dear Companion! I again seat my self to drop
you a few lines which will inform you that I am well
at this time, but, I am Sleepy hoping these lines may
reach and find you all well, and doing well. I
received the money that you sent By Mrs. Benson
[?] 5, and I was glad to get it, as we have not drawn
any yet. and I may get the chance to come home
I have not had a letter in 2 weeks nearly. So I am
about to have the fidgets worse than you did.
I went out yesterday 7 or 8 miles on the Steamboat
and took a Squd of 5 men and stood Picket in sight
of the yankees at fort Pulaska.. I could see their flag
and their guard tent. it was the first place of danger
that I have ever been in, we could see the smoke from
their Boats, and hear them beat the drum [1]
under General Bolivar, and he w 
the yanks until some of us 
I expect.. the weather is a little
wind is blowing. I have not got
about. we do guard duty now about tw
Brigade left here.. We killed a very
morning as we were coming to the camps
to lift him in to the Boat.. and we saw
but it is against the orders to shoot. the Cap
Wounded the one we got none of us being allowed
Shoot. Jane I hope you will rite to me after
[page 2]
it gives me more pleasure than any thing else.. if I get
to come home I will tell you a heap of little funny
things, and some not so funny. I could, however, find
enough to talk about the rest of my life without
Staying in the Army any longer.. but I am oblige to
obey orders I will close. good bye Jane & Mollie
be of good cheer. the Lord will Provide.
I remain as ever yours in love. W.H. Harden

  1. rest of line and the ends of the next 11 lines have been torn off
May 21, 1863


Company C, 63 GA Infantry


Wife of William H. Harden


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 
From Note: 
Thunderbolt Battery


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Shiloh Peters
Transcription Date: 
March, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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