

Danvill . Va
This Dec the 28 1862
My Dier Wife I Recvd your
letter and sister Elins this
morning With the greatest of
Pleasur i was glad to hear that you
Was all well i am well and harty at
presant you said you herd that i
was going to leav her i dont now
when wee will leav hear oncle Bake
said in his letter he seen samuel
Dockry an he spok of comin her agin
if he is he will bring my thingings
for you he told mee hee wold when
when he was her if he brings them an
i am gon he can take them back
Thar is nothing to hender any person
from comin her thay come her evry once
in a while to see thire friends an
stay as long as tha wanto i hav not much
news to write to you the small pox
is not so bad as tha was tha ar
sorter stopt as soon as tha stop tha
will send all that is able to go
to thire regiment Mag Christmas
was Dull her only with the D
drinkers an that was most all i cold
not help lafin at them
[page 2]
Mag i an [???] an timmons
Went owt Christmas an got our
dinner wee had a great dinner
for .50. cts Wee ar going back agin
new years for our dinner next
Cristmas i think wee will eat it
at home with with our own friends
i thort of you all that day an
whare wee was last christmas day
i think of yow all evry day
thare is nothing pesters my mind
onlly abowt my people though i dont
think that any of them will suffer
i want yow all to do the best yow
can till i come home i will yow may
bee sure is will shun evry thing i can
Tell paps all howdy an onckle Baky
an kinders tell them i will wright
soon as i can mag i will draw my
money now soon i sinde the pay
role last week and if any person
is going home i will send yow some
it will send it by dockry if he coms
i think wee will git it next week i
must close my letter by giving yow
My best love an respets ontell death
pleas rite often TFB To Margret E. Baggarly
my Dier wife at home
My Dier loving Wife yow said yow wante
to know how my close fit me they fit
mee as nice as any close yow ever saw
mee waire an tha ar good and warm yow
done gust wright by sending them
to mee for i was going to wright that day
for yow to send them if yow cold hier some
one to bring them to mee but i dont
want yow to work an griev your self
to make me any more for i can get
them for less money than 32.50 i cold a
got close for 25 tho i had rather war your
make my Dier Wife i think thes
will last mee till i get to come
hom to live with yow a gain yow said
yow thougt of mee a crismas i thort of yow
an my little children all that day an where
wee was last christmas was at John Tomlins
i thort of yow an all of my folks i said
to my self yow was at paps my dier i
want to see yow as bad as yow want to see
mee an i hop the day is far [???] till
wee will see each other it is my prairs
[page 2]
tell tode an sis to ceep bwdys little dog
fat an when i come home i will lern it to
hwnt possoms for him I think John
tomlin had better come as to bee forsed
for if he is able thay will take him any
how i tell yow i hav sen men treted very
bad since i hav ben in servis

I Must Bring my leter to a Cose
By giving yow my best love an respects
on till death

T F Baggarly
To Margret

E Baggarly

My Dier Wife

Direct yowr letters To Danvil va
in car of Dr Williamson
sothlans hospitol

  1. the following appears to be a continuation of the previous letter
December 28, 1862


Company I, 5 NC Infantry


Wife of Tilmon F. Baggarly


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
April, 2010

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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