

Mount ary Sery county N C
august the 22 1863
Dear cusen I now Seate my Self to drop
you a few lines to let you no that I am well
at this time and I hope that these few
lines may fine you well and doeing well
I hav no nuse of in pourents to wright
I am very well sades fide up hear E W
Blair has bin sick and poke has bin sick
and I thought tha wood die tha had the
bludey flux but thay ar on the mend I dident
wright acordent to prones but please excus
me for not wright ing no suner
I want you to come up b four long I wood
blad to se you an tel yo mother
an father houd day for me tel all the
famley houd day for me
tel marthey f?>y an mary and houdy
for me giv my best lov to John
lander tel him Id like to reade a letter
from him
tha was nine girls hear a Sunday
at one time you tolde me not to teo
I saw hou I liked the boys be for I rote
to you but I have caut a sweete hart
S B is the first of his name
[page 2]
Mother Sens her best lov to
you all an She wood be glad to se
you all I giv my best lov to all of
er quiantes we hav pro??> evry
Sund day M E chirch produse is vary hie
an hard to get
we liv in fine house the is fif
tene winder in the house
I must come to a clos by saing
wright sun I remain your truly
untel death
Frances E Blair to
James H Baker

August 22, 1863


Cousin of James H. Baker


Company D, 4 Battalion, NC Junior Reserves


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
April, 2010

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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