Novr 13 1864 Receaving Ship
Indian Chief charleston S C
My dear wife I take the opertunity to rite
you a few lines to let you know that I am
well at present with the exception of a cold
and that is not very bad and all of the boys
is well at present and a getting along first
rate and I hope these few lines will find you
all enjoying the same blessings and I should
be very glad to see you all and I will come home
just as soon as I can get a furlow i cant tel
when yet and I want you to rite me as often as
you can I no it is a bad chance to get letters
from home but you can send them out in
beaufort and they can send them by some
body passing up to tarbrough and I shal
Send any leters in care of jesper Keech at tarbrough
and get him to forward it as I rote you in my
last leter last sunday but I have not received
a leter since the one you rote a few days before
plymounth fell and I should be very glad to heare
from you all and heare what is a going on about
thare brother george & george oden received some
to day and thare was nothing new of importance
when they rote last sunday and I hope to receive
one from home and to here that you are all a getting
a long first rate at least I hope so and you tel
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William to rite to me as often as he can for
I cant rite to evry body but every boddy can
rite to me if they will and and georges letter
Stated that william left Langley in raleigh
and some of the men that come from thare said
that he and Asa Allen was a going to the
cavalry and they went home after thare horses
and it appears to be some mistake a bout it
some how but I want you rite me how it is
and I am glad that william has got back
home if I cant be thare and I ceep in hopes
that the time will soon come when we can all
come home to stay we have a tolerable livley
time here evy night we have singing eny quan
ntity and prayers we have no preacher on bord
but we have a good many religious men on bord
and as for nues we heare none at present the times
is very quiet at present george oden sends his
respects to you all and I will rite you when
we go to the iron clad I have dreamed of beaing
home for the towo or three last nights and I have
not dremt of being home before since I left home
the time pases off first rate considering and I hope
it will continue to do so I will close by saying
that I hope the lord will be with you and protec
you from all harm in the world and a findley
Save us all in his kingdom is my prayer you cencer
husband untel death H.H.Bowen