

July the 20 1862
my dear Wif I now seat my
sef let you know that I am well
at presant and I hope that when
you git this it will find you
and my sweet babe both well
I want to heare from you both
and I want to see you both
I want to see you all a bot
thare but I dont know when
I Shal eve shal see you eney
more thare is thurteene run a
way that will cation us to fare
worse then wee should wee are a
faring so that that we can make
out but it is not home I hve no
nuse to write wee are all heare
at nothin wee have not drlled
non yet nore I dont know when
wee shall thare is sturin
in camp then I ever herd but it
is not wroth a notes we hve not
draud enney clthse yeght the rest
is all well it is re ported that wee
sall have to go to ritchman to mar
but I dont know wheth it is so or
not noth mor at preant writ soon
direct yore letter to camp homes [1]
in car of lutenant reed
yore true hus ban untell deth
if we keep staing her please send
us sum sope
[page 2]
Camp Homes July the 20th 1862
Dear faer I take my pen in hand to let
yo now that I am well at presant and I hop
that this will find yo all well wiliam
is well and I belive all the reiment is well
that is her they did not all com and 13 of them
that has fun away from the accont we cn git
we never her a wededay just be fore sun set

Jesse Brown

  1. Camp Holmes, near Raleigh
July 20, 1862



Wife of Thomas Brown
Name Variant: 
Husband of Sarah Brown


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 
From Note: 
"Camp Holmes" near Raleigh


To State: 
North Carolina
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
April, 2010

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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