August the 14th 1862
dear father and mother I seat my self to let
you how I am I ant vary well at this [1]
time I [??] yesterday with the boel complaint
I hope [??] thes will come to hand and fine yo
yo all well an doig well we rcied yor kind leter
yesterday and I was glad to her yo all and
to her that yo wer all well I hav no nuse
to wrigte more than austin wrote wilam is
not well has got the bowel complain tho he so he can go
yo wrot to us to let yo now whether we had got any
shoes we hav not got any [2]
we hant got no money yet I want yo to wrigt to me
as often as yo can an I will wrigt as of as I can
but [???] time writ vary oftan I will
come to a close by saing I son til
deth Thomas Brown I now take my
pen to Rite you a few lines to let you
you said you wanted to now whether
we had draud any money we hante draud
none yet but they say we shal draw
some some time when we do we want
[page 4]
it sent holme and we will write to you
when we do if ever the yankeys turns
the bottom sid up where they go they
pourd out about 300 bushels of wheat
up heare the other day that was in the
mill & they tore down the fences & burn
the railes & rob the sit azens of everathing
they have the prisonners some of them
says they are forst in it & would be
just as glad to bee at holme as any of
us would bee but ther head officers
holds them to it I saw one on the battl
field that was wounded and Said he was
in hopes he should go holme when he got
well father you can take my knife
and have it maid in you some butcher
knives if want to for I hant now use for
it you said a bout shoos we hant draud
none yet but I reckon we shal before we
get bar footed though we are about so
now but if we dont I will let you
now the next I rite so nothing more
yours truly Wm. Brown
- ink faint in this line
- ink too faint to read the rest of the line
- ink too faint to read the line