

Octtober the 1

Dear Brother I no seat my
self to let you no that
I am well at this time
as I have bin in sum
time Austen and Wilam
is both complainig vary
bad and has bin for sum
time with the dirar thomas
is dead he dide the 26th of
septtember he was taken
with the direr & he cep a
weeknin untel he dide he
was in the hospitle when
he dide at newton Austen
& Wilam was both with him
when he dide tha said that
he was in his senses untel
he did wee have wrot a
letter before a bout his deth
death but wee did not no
whether you wood get it or not
[page 2]
I receved yore kind letter
yester day & it giv mea
grat Sattiesfaction to hear
from you all and to hear
that you ware all well
and to hear that the nabor
is all well youre letter
was dated the 19 of sept
tember & I receved it the
30th I have not hearn from you all
sense a bout the furst of
august and you may now
that wee ware glad to hear
from you and wood be much
glad er to see you all
I am in hops that wee shal
cum home before long thare
is a site of talke a bout
pease but I dont no whet
her it will be or not but
I hope it will I have wrote
a letter home ner about ever
a weake thare was two or
[page 3]
thee weekes when wee ware
trvling that I did not have
chanse Austen has wrot near
about evrey time that I
have nothing more at preant
onley I remane yore loving
brother untel death
             Bardin Brown
Dear wife I no seat my
self to let you kno that
I am well at this time
and I hope that this will
cum safe to you and find
you and my sweet babe
both well as common I am
to hear that the nabers
has bin so kind as to help
save the foder and to help
you a bout othe things
wee have not draud enney
money yeight thare has
bin a site of talk a bout
our drawing sum money
[page 4]
but I dont no hou long
it will be befor wee
sum money I hope it will
not be long when I draw
i sal send it home if
thare is enney chance if
I cant send it with out
I shal send word for sum
of the nabors to cum
after it because I do not
have much use for money
hear onely when I am
sick tell robert & pity
that I have not forgot
them & I want them
to write to mea soone as
tha can I want you all
to write soon as you
git this direct yore letter
to win chester as you
have before I will clse by
sain I remaine yor loving
huscan unel death Bardin Brown

October 1, 1862


Company F, 13th Battalion NC Light Artillery


Bardin Brown's Wife


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
April, 2010

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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