

Camp Wilkes Bogue Island NC
October the 26 1861
Dear Granmother and Aunt
I take the present opportunity
To drop you a few lines to let you know how I am
Getting a long we ar not varry well at this time
and truly hope when these fue lines com to hand
may find you all well and enjoying all the pleasur
the troublesom world can afford Dear Granmother & Ant
I often think of you all and how much pleasur I have
Seen with you when I was in old Chatham County my
Native land whear I was rais it dos me a heap a good
to hear from th people of Chatham I hope and
trust that the god of battle will Spear our lives to
Serve our time out and to return to our
home and friend and injoying our selves
As we have in days that is past away and gone
Dear Granmother I must tell you something about our fighting
we exspecting a figh ever how the Col Vance receivd a
Message from the General that there wold be afleet
of 15 or 30 vessal to attack Newburn and beafort and
this Plase we ar very well Prepered for them if tha com
to land on bogue Island ther will be 4 Regemint to
be at Nuburn and hear the Eaving if we ar attack hear
tha will be ordes hear and if tha ar attack at Neu
Bren we will tak the train up thr to help kill
the yankes I haven murch of interresting to write to
you at this time only what I have writing
I received a letter from home to day and tha
was all well stating that you was vary sick and sister
Mary was up thar I was vary sorrow to hear that you
was sick and I when I could not go to
see you as I onc did I hop I wil see you all
[Page 2]
Be fore long at leas be for my time is out
I am vary well sattsfied aheap better than
I expected I Received your kind and
Aceptaple letter and was truly Glad to hear
from you all that you was all well
I must Bring my letter to a Close by
Saying wrte as soon as you get ths
Exscuse all bad riting and spelling for I and
in a hury this isent as a Gooda letter as I want
to write tell John and the children hou dy for
me and all the rest Give my love to all
Inqarining friends when thi you see Reemembr
me thar in the battlefield I may be oh [??]
thar Remember me me
Farweel My Dear Granmother
And aind From you Dear Granson
D M Carter To
Please Direck you letter to Carolina City
26 Reg NC Vol of in Cear of Capt Webster

Bright Banner of Freedom with prid I unfold thee
Far flag of my Country with love I behold thee
Gleaming about us in freshness and truth
Emblem of liberty, symbol of truth
For the flag of my Country in triunph shall wave
our the Southeron homes and the Southern Brave
that we may Defend
Farewell To Meet a Gain on old
Rocky River Wear Parting will
Be No moor Daniel M Carter

October 26, 1861


Company E, 26th NC Infantry


Name Variant: 
Name Variant: 


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 
From Note: 
Camp Wilkes


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Genevieve Vallentine
Transcription Date: 
June, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2011

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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