

State of North Carolina Craven, Co
Near Newbern. Feb the 6 1862

Dear Aunt it is with much pleasure to me
this lonersom Eveing that I am bless with the
opportuinity to drop you a few line to let you
know how I am getting a long in camp
I am well at present and all of our
compinay excepte afew and truly hope when
this few lines come to hand may find you
well and all the rest of the family Dear
Aunt I have not got much of importac
to write to write you at present only I can
inform you that we have lefte More
head citty we lefte thare laste sunday was
a week a go. thy was a grate excitement
here a bout that time we landed here
a bout 12oclock that Night we have a
vry bad plase to camp in we are a bout
forty miles from More head citty Ninty
Miles from cap hatteris fore miles from
Newbern one mile from forte Ellis 2 two miles
forte from forte lane we are place on
Nuse river close to the mouth of Tranack [Trent River]
river it is a grate site to see but we
dont exspect to stay here long thy say we
will go to roneoake island to follow the
war fleats if we are caled Thare I exspect
to bid farewell to old chatham we have to go
a bout six miles to work every day I expect
to go to morrow if I live and brother D M
thy say thy is Ninty vessals at cape hatterius
I must bring my letter to a close please
write soon and give me all the News is going
[page 2]
Tell John to write to me tell him
him he must not forget me because
I am in the armme I love my
Good old home and I love my pople
and I love my country I hope I will
live and surve my time out and
return to my Native lands a gain
Give my love to all of foks if you
See eny of them tell little howdy for
me and all the chrildrin kiss
the chrildrin for me Give my love
to uncl John record and Aunt rachel
and the Girls Direct your letter to the
same place Carolina Citty it will follow
us whare ever we go No More at prisent
Yours Truly
W D Carter

February 6, 1862


Company E, 26th NC Infantry


William D. Carter's Aunt


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Genevieve Vallentine
Transcription Date: 
June, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2011

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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