Orange Court House
Augt 12? /63
Respected Aunt
I take the present opportunity
to write you afew lines to let
you now how we are getting a
long. I am doing vey well at
this time. hop thes few lines will
find you all well. I write theas
few lines with Gref and sorrow Dear
Aunt Jane I can inform you
That I am wonded in the
arm and also Brother John in the
head I am closte to orange court
house one hundred and fortyone
miles North of Richmond Brother
John was at Danville a few days ago
I field like a loste Sheep. I have
no Brother with me I am lefte
a lone in a far distant land
Brother Daniel is ded he was wounded at the big fight at
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Gatysburg in pensilvania on
the firste day of July about three
hundred miles from her we all
was wonded on the firste day
fight our compinay was cute
all to peaces. I laid on the battle
field with Daniel that Night
and outhers of our compinay he
was brange to winchester thirty
miles this side of pertomack
river I stade with him till
he died he died in Winchester
on the 21 of July he suferd a
Grate deal before he died he
lived 20 days after he was wounded
he was willing to die he repeted
the Lords prayer Sung and pr[a]yed
before he died and Called his
farther Brothers and sisters before
he departed from this trobblesom
wourld. we Nead not to Greve
after him for I bebleve his soul
[Page 3]
is in heaven to day. I had him
beared descent our Captin Lut
Emerson Luit Laner and Good
Many of our campinay was
taken prisons on the field
and sent to New York Th
thy wnt exchaines no more
prisons the fight Lasted five
days and Nights it was a
trying time many ded and
wonded was lefte on the field
in the hand of the enemy. this
makes the Secon time I have
been wonded for the last 12
months and field thankfull
that I Spared to live yet I
hop and pray that I may get
through Safte thy is a Grate
excitement her at this time a
bout the war the souldiers are
runing a way vey faste ever
few days five hundred leftes
a few days a go in one devison
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Dear Aunt herd that Sister Sarah
had bean quite sick I hope she
has got well before this time
I wrote farther three letters since
the fight at Gatysburg in Pa
and I have not her a word from
him oh I wish I was at
home to day I am out of harte
Dear Aunt Give my love to all
of the Rocky river pople though
We ar seprated far from each
outher I wish I could be in
old Chatham once more it feels
Near and Dear to me Dear Aunt
being that the day is drewing late
I must close my Shorte Note
by saying write soon for I
want to here from you all Give
my love to all of my folks tell
them Brother John is in Danville Va
we ar 200 miles a parte Derect to Richmon
I Still Remain your Nefphew untell
Death from W. D. Carter