

Pocataligo SC April the 12 day
dear father I rece your kinde letter
yesterday of the [13?] inst which found
me in usual health I am stronger
and can travil better than I could
since the meriland march tho I am
not as well as I would like to be in
the army but I hope and trust that
this will find you in good health
we are left nearly alone the 46 is
gone back to ward Charleston, 3
of our Cos are gone to guard on the
road towards charleston we hav agreat
deal of guard deuty to do A SC bat [1]
has latly came in here that is all
the troops that are close here now
that money you sent is very good
here and I will spend it & eat it out
you wont to know the truth about
our fare the truth is that man that
told you he saw the soldiers grinde
cobs to eat is not a man of truth if
I hant bad mis taken we get A quart
of meal a day tolerable good meal
it is sifted some ¼ of a pound of bacon
we hav drawed bacon a weak or more
and molasses we get plenty of them
a little vinegar sope and candles
[page 2]
I dont suffer for some thing to eat
like I did in va. the South carolinians
are clever men to compare with the ver
ginnions I hant been getting to lette
the last 3 weeks I write evry week
I got a letter from uncle P Frank
and I wrote him a histry about som
marching we had last week
I hant room to write it in this
letter you can read his letter an that
will do about as well cattle hav
been turnd to grass here I think
they can live very well now allegater
are plenty here in the ponds I hav saw
young ones the first of april was cool
er than march thar was onley a few
windy days an more lik it is in
nc I hant any news to write if you
read P Franks letter only write
oftin evry week would not be too oftin
to please me sisters why dont
you write oftin I now you like
to here from me oftin I will close
fo this time Father mother & sisters
When this you see remember me
Jesse M Frank to Alx frank
may god grant that this may finde
you all well Jesse Frank

  1. South Carolina battery
April 12, 1863


Company B, 48th NC Infantry


David Headrick's brother; Jesse M. Frank's Father


From State: 
South Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Jessica Sneeringer
Transcription Date: 
April, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2011

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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