

[no date or place, possibly included with previous letter]

Dear sisters a few lins
to you as brother has Claim
A Christmas gifte I think I might
have one to I Claim one from
gorge and from Joseph you
Can tell them to have it for
me when I come home If I live
I will be at home some tim
tell Miss Mag D that I Claim
a christmus
and tell Miss Mag D when she
writs 3 love leters to the army
to mind who she writs to
for I heard a Gentleman
Expose her before Capt and
Liutenants and my self
I was ashame of him for
doing so and one of the leutan
sed he had flue round enuf
he thort he ought to got one to
you will want to know who
he was it was not P H nor
Dr A F she can gest who
he was be serting to tell
her about this
[page 2]
and maby she will Know
who he was I wont tell
for she will Know who
she wrote the leters to
I Know it caus a big laft
so no mor but
Remain your loving
brother tel deth

PS tell Miss S that
I want a christmas gift
Mat you sed Miss Mag C
was gon has she come
back yet if she has
write to me
so good by
L W Griffin


Company D, 16th NC Infantry
Private to Sergeant


Griffin Sisters


From Note: 
No location noted, possibly included with previous letter


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
May, 2008
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
June, 2008

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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