

Camp [?]er in 8 miles of Richmon[?]
Dear Father & famley June 1 1864
This morning a fords me the leasure of writing
you a few lines to let you know I am a live yet
and am well as comon tho mity wored by
[fur?]ti[y?] times is very squaly her fighting is going
on her yet we ar in our Ditches and have to ly
low to keep out of the way of the bulets they fly
Thick at times we had to fall back last knight
and bill mor Brest works I cant write for I am
so sleepy you must look over this if I
live I will try to do better When this fight is over
if I live tho I am all most redy to give up
tho I still live in hops my last Brother is
gon and it may be my time next tho I live
in hops the lord will [???] spar me to com home
one tim mor but I have got a heape to go thro yet
befor this fight is over this is the 28 day sence
we comence and I haven bin out of musquet
rang sense oh I when I will git out
of hering of the guns I wood give the worl if
I cood git out of this fight but the is no chanc
they yanks has not got to Richmond yet but
I am a fraid for the place for they fight mity
hard her they ar all Drunke when they
charge over lines and dont cear for nothing
[page 2]
oh how nie I did come a bing tuck prisoner
the other day all that was with me was taken
but one I wood not stop running they shot
at me but did not hit me and I had fought
so long I cood hardly run but I was soon
over the hill whar they cood not hit me
and then I hid and rested so I got away
and if they wood not Kill our men ther
wood be lots go to them but I will
ceape out of ther hands as long as I
can the compeny is all her only
what I wrote to you befor Eli is ded
or a prisoner I cant tell which
I will close for this tim hoping
to her from you soon as I havent
heard sence s harrel come I wood love
to her from home at this time
give my love to all of my pople
tell them to write me
I remain your loving sun tell
Deth L. W. Griffin
PS gorge [1] died at from his wound
I dont know how he was wounded
for I cant her from no body
know I hope you have heard
all about it by this time

  1. brother George Griffin of the 56th NC Inf.
June 1, 1864


Company D, 16th NC Infantry
Private to Sergeant


Griffin Family


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
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Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
May, 2008
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
June, 2008

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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