

Sunday [June] 16th 1861
Raleigh Wake county NC
Nancy this morning I
hav the opportuneity of writeing you a leter
I wrote you one last sunday and havent
receved an answer yet I am still in good
helth all but a bad cold which dos not
hurt me I am at uncle samuel Philips
this moring and expect to take dinner
with to day I have eat with him severell
times sins I hav been here and can when
ever I want to I also hav my washing
don here and can as long as I stay here at
raleigh but I expect to leav here before
long and go to garysburge a wednesday the 19th [Garysburg, N C]
ther we will be station for sumtime we will
be under the controle of Colonel Anderson
I will write to you as soon as I get there and I
shal expect you to write to me I am looking
for a leter from you evry day and expect to get
it to morrow if you hav writen it and if you
havent writen to me yet you needent to untel I
get to garyesburge for I might not get it if
you were to write I am geting a long tolerable
well and only tolerable I havent sufferd forany
thing yet all that pesters me is beeing a way
from you for I had rather bee with you than
any body els that I know of
thou I think as much of my relation as any
body but acording to nature I must and do love
you the best of any and as long as I liv
that you know by what I hav told you before
[page 2]
for all that I hav told you is as true
as the gospel for I neve hav nor never
entend to tell you a stry if I canhelpit
for I dont think that you everdid or ever
will I am glad to think and know that
I hav a woman behind that I can depend apon
my hope and desire and prare is that I may
get back with you a gain for I hav engoyed
my self the best of any body that I evewas with
for it don me good to see you if I couldent get to
speek to you thone the few times I stood with
you was the moste pleasure to me and I hope that
they was was to you for which I hav no doubt that
they was for we tolde eachother what was our
notions and ententions and desires I know that
I did and I feel and know that you did
those times was a great pleasure to me and I
think they wer to you Nancy I dont think
that we don any thing wrong do you I dont thin you
do I believe that we both would like to hav
the privelig of doing so a gain I know I
would an believe that you would to if it
was my desire which it is and I hope that
we will before long for I feel that I will
get to see youall and I want you to think to
for it is my hole desire and prare and I want it
to bee yours to which I think it will so you
must take good care of your self for me for I
shal save my self for you and nobody els
so they needent any body els expect me only
you Nancy so fare you well Miss Nancy
yours affectionately Harrison Hanes

June 16, 1861


Company G, 4th NC Infantry


Harrison Hanes's wife


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Antonina Paver
Transcription Date: 
April, 2009
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2009

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