

Harrison Hanes to Nancy Williams [4]

June 22 1861
Dear Miss Nancy I receved your leter yester
day eavning and I stept out a side and
red it It was a great pleasure to me to
here from you it is true that I left
raleigh before it got there but it was
forward on to garysburg by uncle
samuel philips I told him to atend
to that for me and he did so for me
I am glad that you wrote to me for
I wanted to here from you very bad
but I had much rather see you if I
could but I cant yet awhile than
I can think of you and I want you to
think of me as long as I liv and
hope and pray that the may soon com
when I can see you and be with
you we hav swept off our yards
to day we are very cumfortable
sit uated here for we are in a pleasant
[page 2]
grove we recev several boxes of
bread and cakes from davy yesterday
eavning there were two nice and large
pand cakes in them John Beuchamp
& Jame rady recevd each a leter and
1 pair of sock but this you need not
mention to any one they havent herd
from there folkes yet nether hav
I only you I am looking for a
leter fron Nathon Williams and
Charles sparkes evry day for I wrote
to them an I think they will
write to me you must write to me as
often as you can Nancy I can read your
writeing as same as print but I am a
fraid that you cant read mine I have a
very bad chace to write here but I
do the best I can Nancy I still hav
the same lov for you that I did
when I was ther and know that you
hav the same for me from what you
wrote in your leter I want you to
kep all my leters and take care
[page 4]
of them I hav wrote severel but
I cant write as often as I hav for I
wont hav the chance to I will try
to write evry week or two but you
must write as often as you can for your
chance is much beter than mine is
I want you to remember me as
long as I liv and I will be sure
to do the same by you that yu may
depend tell all my friend that
I am well and geting a long very
well tell your mamy and dady
that I am well and that I would
like to harvest for them for I use
to like to work ther the best kind
I believ that I hav wrote enough
unless it was a gretdeal beter than
what it is you must write to me
after you get this leter tel James
that I would like to here somthing
from him you must write som thing
a bout him to you Nancy by me
Harrison Hanes

June 22, 1861


Company G, 4th NC Infantry


Harrison Hanes's wife


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Antonina Paver
Transcription Date: 
April, 2009
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2009

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