

Camp hill July
Nancy I concluded to
write you another
leter to let you know
that we will hav to leav
this place this week and
go to richmon in Va
this week so if you
haven writen to me sence
I left there you needent
to untel I write to you a
gain for we cant get the
leters now for I havent
nare leter cence I got back
so it is hardly worth
whill for you nor non
the rest of my folkes to write
to me but I will write to
you all as often as I
Can and let you know
how I am geting a long
for I feel that you all
[page 2]
will want to here from
me as often as you can
tell the people that it is
suposed that we will hav
to face the yankeys but
for my part I dont dred
them for as soon as we
begin to shoot they begin
to run and therefore we
need not dred them So
I stil feel in hopes
that I will com out saft
fo I am trying to do the bes
I can and I hav faith in
him who is able to save
me from the hand of my
enemy and deliver me
from all dainger that is
my fear and desire an I want
it to bee yours and evry
body elces that cars any
thing for me for with
out it we cant do anything
[page 3]
that is good I do not
want this leter to caus
you to hav any uneasyness
for I ma be as saft in
richmon as any wher els
I wan you to giv me up
in to the hands of provide
nts for we all must
depend apon providents
So I think and feel that
providents will provide
for me an bring me
out saft my love for
you is gest the same
that it was when I was
with you and always
will bee as long as we both
liv and I think yours is the sam
for me as it was when
I was there with you
so I must close remem
ber me in your prars yours
truly tel deth to Nancy Williams Harrison Hanes

Date Note: 
[no day] July 1861


Company G, 4th NC Infantry


Harrison Hanes's wife


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Antonina Paver
Transcription Date: 
April, 2009
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2009

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