[No date]
Camp Pickens Manassas Junction v. a
William Taylor
is a goin to start home to morrow
and I hav concuded to write you a
few lines and send by him
I hav been looking for a leter
from you ever sence christmus but
havent recievd any yet the reason
whi I can not tell you ma hav
writen and the leters been misplaced
or maby you havent writen
at all and if you havent pleas write
soon and let me know the reason whi
you havent wrote so I can know what
to depend a pon it ma bee that
you want the corespondece betwen you
and I stopt and if so it can bee don
and if not things can go on as before
I can tel you one thing and that is this
that my notions are the same as before
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bu yours ma hav changed and
they hav I would like to know
what mad them I hope you will
write to me after you get this leter
but if you dont I shal think that
you hav quit intirely and if you
write I want you to let me know
who all is flying a round bill
taylor sais that giles E[?]cison and
Sarah Hendrix is maried an bil
cinter and Nancy king and severel
others expected. I am som what suprised
to think that you havent writen to me
no sooner. I dont want you to get angrey
with me for writeing so plain to you
for that is my way of doing busness
whe I get interrupted a bout any thing
I giv you the same privelig therfore
you cant think of me for doing so
I mearly do this in order to know
what to do when I com home for
thnk that I can get to com this winter
or next spring and if I cant bee with
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you then I will hav to chose som body
els but I hope I can get a long with
you for I had rather bee in your company
than any one elses that you ma know
I ma get a leter from you before this
one starts and if it dos I shant send it
so I recon that I had beter close my leter
and try and do beter next time these
few lines leaves me in good health
and I hope they will find you the sam
I remain yours truly untel death Harrison
to Nancy Williams