this . 16 . Jan [1863]
Camp near fredericksburg . V . A
My dear Partha I now Seat my Self
to drop you afew lins to inform
you that I am well at the
present time and I hope my dear
when theas few lines comes to
your hand they will find you
and my babe well and harty
my dear I rote you aletter the uther
day and give it to Charls . waller
but he hant Started home yet
my dear I received your letter
and every thing you Sent me
my dear Partha we have orders to
leave this place but I dont no
whare we will go to my dear
Partha I have no news to rite
but I hope the war will Soon
end for old abe is in trubble
he Ses he has laid down his last
procklimation he Ses he is ruind
[page 2]
my dear Partha I must
bring my letter to aclose
by Saying to you god bless
your Sweat hart of you
nothing more at present
rite Soon John H Hartman
to his dear wife Partha. L Hartman