

Petersburg . V . A
Aug . 14 . 1864
My dear wife I Seat my Self
this morning to answer your
cind letter that I received the
otherday I was truly glad to
hear form you and my little
daughter I am well at present
and I truly hope theas few
lines will find you boath
well and harty my dear I
have no news to rite whatever
my dear you requested me to
tell you what I ment by
Saying that John and Partha
has commenst riting to eachother
[page 2]
I will now tell you because
it was So long that we cold
not hear from eachother hear
in the Spring when the male
was Stopt when the yankeys
had the rarlroads cut off
and now the male goes through
and we can hear from eachother
when ever we wonto thats what
I ment by Saying we had
commenst riting to eachother
again no I have never thaught
of forsakeing you yet and I
hope I never will no if I
ever get that fur along I
wont Some boddy to cill
[page 3]
My dear wife you wonto no
when I will get afurlow I
will tel you the best I can
if they continue the furlows
I will get one the last of
Sept or the first of oct
thats the best I can tell you
they air Seven men before
me I exspect about the time
I get afurlow you will have
that Soldier and then my
furlow wont do me no good
if I do get afurlow and come
home and you have that Soldier
what will I do I will be
bound to have alittle from
Some whare
[page 4]
My dear Partha I must
bring my Short letter
to aclose by asking you
to rite Soon and dont
forget remember me til the
last breth is Spent and
I will return the Same
and may the lord bless
us boath forever and ever
rite Soon my dear wife
and I hope to See you before
long if life lasts no more
John .H .Hartman to the love

August 14, 1864


Company D, 1st NC Artillery


John Hartman's Wife


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Allen VanNess
Transcription Date: 
April, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2011

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    University of Georgia
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