Peatersburg .V . A . Sept . 4 . 1864
My dear Partha I now Seat my Self to
answer your kind letter that I received
dated the 26 of Aug I was truly glad to
hear from you and to hear you boath was
well I am well and harty at present
and allso Daniel my dear I have no news
to rite you Sead Some thing about
my farthers having Sutch aroudy
Set that you cold not Stay thare
I wont you to tel me who he has
lying thare me and Daniel wonts to
no verry bad I hope he hant got
apassle of trash lying round him
liveing off of what me and Daniel
worked hard for if he has I think
we will have it Stopt I wont
you to Send me all the news about
it and about the box I reckon
the old horse will try and Send
it to us as you Say you cant get
down thare to help fix the box
as you air So fat take care of your
Self my dear and if I never get
nothing from home
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My dear Partha tel your mother
that I Sead She Should take
care of you for me while you air
in bed and I will Satisfie her
for it thats if I live to ever
get back home my dear I wold
like to be with you at that time
but I cant but I reckon your
parants will take care of you if
they dont I dont no what you
will do I hope they will take
care of you I will rite your pap
afew lines and get him to tend
to you for me I will now bring
my Short letter to aclose by
asking you to rite Soon and dont
forget rite me all the news
you have rite Soon
John .H .Hartman to his
loveing wife
Partha .L Hartman