

[The identity of the letter writer and recipient are unknown has is what, if any, relationship they had with the Hartmans]

of 1865
Laurel Branch N C Feb 5
Dear John
Oh my dear if I only
could see you a coming home but oh
this old hard ware It seams like Is agoin
ig to keep you in Spite of all our efforts
to get you home I have Started two potesh
ions for a detail for you on dee Morris [???]
one and I was a faired he would not get it
and I went to Salsbury to see a Lawyer
and I went to see kar as he had ben
doing bisness for you and from what
he told me I thought he had ben
perhaps so I thought I mite as well try
him as any body els and he drew up a
verry good peteshon and sent it out
her for me to get it fixt I had Mr
D Bever and Mr B a qualified be
for squire Sloope and got some other
names and Sent it back to Major
kar he was a going to get Shober to
See to it In Ralah and [???]
Richmond I have don all [???]
[page 2]
Lay in my pour so fare as new I do
think if any potishon ever will get you
that one of kars will but the two that
has you was aproved by all till thay
come to old Siden him Self but he
wod not thear has bin some talk
that congres has pased an ackt to gran
t no details under forty five but I hav
not Saw u\It in no papers yet and I
have looked for it I hope It Is not
so Oh my Dear but this Is hard almost
three month past and gon and you not at
home yet how cheareful you left but I no
you felt defrent from what you let on
Pa was verry well Sadesfide for some time
he thaut you would shore be at home
be fore chrismus you spoke of your disap
ointment when your furlow did not come
It was a sore disapointment to poore lit
tle May and me for we had baked
and fixt for you to come Satterday and
that evening got your letter I hope you
[page 3]
soone come My dear John If you find
you cannot get home do you want me
to Send you any thing by M
If you do write and let me now or If
you want me to come and I can get
any whare near a nuff for you to com
me to see your children If I can get the
money I will do so Jake Freese wife
was at Ralagh last week a triing to get
a detail for him but could not get any
She sead If she had a had some company
she would a went to a seade him but I
think It will be verry little Sadesfacton
to come our only I could bring you somth
ing to eate and you could see you littl
babys thay are both a sleep poor lttle
May got on her knees befor she went
to bade and praid for her papy to be
sent home John thear Is whear I put
my trust In him that Is able If It be his
will he will worke all things round in
your favor and the darkest time Is just
[page 4]
be fore day so my dear chear up and
rake new coridg and put your trust In
him and dont fortet to pray he Is just
snf true and will In no wise cast thoes
off that come unto him Oh John how
uncerten Is life I tremble while I
write to you and perhaps you mite be
bade sick or a lying on some horred
battle feald dead or diing Oh no I ho
pe not I do hope you will get home
againe soone the 6 this morning my
Dear god wiling I will finish my
letter you say you have not got no letter
from me sents Luth left why Is It
I have sent at least two a week I
I sent some to [????] I supose that was
the reson you did not get them John thi
ngs does not go as theay did when you was at
home Mr Hendrix is still In that mill
but the dos not like him only
[??][??] but all most al the rest want you
at home Mr Bever ses he will do any thing
any thing he can do to get you home but he sead he tal
ked to Shober and B and thay thought
thare was little chance that was why I
went to Kar and I do think now he has take
n the right way that [????] [??]
[???] my dear and take good cair of your self
[written across the top of page 4]
John be Shure and write to me whether
you want me to send you any thing by
M Daves and what you want me to send
[written across the top of pages 2 and 3]
and let me now If Luth tuck you any
thing or not I sent you a little bottle of
paregoric and an over shirt did you get any
thing or not
I want to get Frank to take this letter
to Petersburg and then may be you will
get It sooner write soon and often
your wife and babes E P

February 5, 1865


Unknown identity: "E. P. Sh..."


Name Variant: 
"Dear John"


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Allen VanNess
Transcription Date: 
April, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2011

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