

. Camp . near . Richmond . V.A
febuary . 21 . 1865
My dear Partha I now Seat my
Self to answer your kind letter
that caim to hand last knight
your kind letter reached me well
and harty and I hope this will
find you and famley well and harty
I am Sorry that Meyetta is Sick
but I hope She is well by this
time my dear I have no news
to rite at present you stated in
your letter that you wold do
all you cold for me I hope you
will So that I can get home again
and if you do I will thank you
athousand times for it you allso
Stated in your letter that . Crowel
wold not take that money why
what is the reason he wold not
take it I dont no why he wold
not take it
[page 2]
My dear I Suppose the yankeys
air comeing to Salisbury if they
do my dear take care of your Self
the best you can I exspect if
they do get thair they will
insult the ladys more than oncet
but dont give up to them and
let them do with you what
they pleas you must protect your
Self the best you can for if you
give up to them they will do
as they pleas with you and I
wold not have you Spoilt by
them for the hole world So
take care of your Self the best
you can My dear Partha you
Sead that you was going to give
that money back to my farther
you can do as you pleas about
it you can give it to him
or ceap it Just whitch you
[page 3]
my dear wife I will Say to you
to do all you can for me for I
wont to See you verry bad and
if you do as I Sed iwill insure
you I will get afurlow I will now
close by asking you to rite Soon
and dont forget your dear tru
love rite Soon I remain yours
as ever until death
.John .H .Hartman
to my beloved . Partha .L .Hartman
Remember your dear tru love . though
far he is from you . though if your
love proves tru to me . god bless
mine will to you . So Sing your Song
to me my dear . and I Sing mine to your
and we Shal be the Songster of that hevenly Shore
I bless you and bless your . and I bless the
ground . you walk ashore . if youll bless
me and if youll bless mine our harts Shal
boath be twined with twine
Write Soon Soon
[page 4]
And now I lay my pen at rest
but not my hart within my brest
until I See that happy time
when we can Join our harts and hands
I will Close by
Asking you to rite
Soon rite Soon
Fair you well for this time
J. H. H. P. L. H
J . H . H
John H. Hartman Partha .L. Hartman

February 21, 1865


Company D, 1st NC Artillery


John Hartman's Wife


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Allen VanNess
Transcription Date: 
April, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2011

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    University of Georgia
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