May the 25th 1863
Dear wife I once more take my pen
in hand to drop you afew liens not
as I hav any news to rite but onely to
let you know that I am well as comon
at this time and hoping these few liens
may reach your hands in proper time and
and find you and the children all well
and all the family I have started a letter
to you every weak Sence I left I think
but I dount no whether you get them
or not I have moved about 20 miles
from where I was when I rote to you before
I am in 2 miles of a Station on the railroad
by the name of hamlingtons crossing I have
ben here 4 or 5 days it is the pertises place
I have ever camped we have cleaned it
up and the oaks mitley shads the ground and
I have had tolerbul plenty to eat sence I
have ben here such as it is flour and bacon
and peas and shogar and I can by most
any thing that I want here but it is
vary high I shal start this letter to morow
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I wish I had fetched my short coat and left
my brown one for I had to pay 12 ½ for one
and ef I have to march much I shal have
to throw my brown one away for I cant
toat it I throwed awaymy yarn pants but
I have put down for some more I have drawed
44 dollars wages sence I came back and
the board money that was on my furloug
I daunt reckon I shal ever get for my
capten was not wiling for me to have
it and I daunt reckon he tried to get it
I want you to rite and let me no if you get
the letters tolerbul regler for I want you to hav
Some of the money that I have drawd and they
eant no chance for you to get it but for me
to send it in aletter so I though I wod send
about 10 Dollars at the time if you get the
most of the letters that I send nothing
more at presan onely rite son and direct
your letters to Richmond VA the 3 regeme
nt N C State Troops Co. E remaning
your husbond untwil deth
Neill McLeod to Elizabeth McLeod