June the 15 1863
Deare husband I seat my
self this evening to rite yo
a few lines to let yo now
that we are all well at
this time an I hope that
these few lines come to hand
they many find yo in tha same
like blessing of him who
is the giver of evry good an
perfect gift I receivd your
leter the 23 [june?] with sorow to hear
that yo was not well when
yo rote that leter but I
hope that yo have git wekk
aganst this time I have nothing
of importants to rite to yo only
that I would bee glade if yo could
[page 2]
get home we would give
any thing in the world if
I could see yo come home agane
I cant go to A M smith
till I cut my wheat what
is ripe then I will go an
see what he sais I dont want
yo to studay about home
more tha yo can help if
yo can not get home it
will doo yo no good but harme
if I could see yo I could
tell yo more then I could
rite to yo in a life time
theire is now deserters here to
hunt after they say that thare
are a grate many run aw[a]y
[page 3]
but none from a bout heare I
can tell yo that tom broth[??]
bacon was stole an the think
that is was deserters from the
other side of the river an john
Rice rote home that the was
too hundred left in one night
an if the all would come
in that way hour pore
conscript would soon bee at
home to see theire wives an
children burt if the donte
doo that the [a?] ll bee th[??]
they all dy leevy an dave
hicks is boath dead at
richmon and the took leevy
ingle to the hospitle an the
[pahe 4]
hante heard of him yet an
the children are all well
an want to see yo an the
send yo howday as the have
noth elce to send to you I want
yo to rite to me who yo think
the most of thare sow that
I can rite too him if any
thing happens to yo I want
yo to [join?] [????????]
[ink very pale on remiander of page]