August the 2 1863
Dear husband I now seate my Self to day to rite yo a few lines
to let yo no that we are all well at thiss time an I hope that
these few lines my find yo in the same state of haelth I have
rote yo to leters since I got any from yo we have rote yo as leters
I want yo to rite to me how maney leters yo have rote to me
we have gad a greate revival at fairefield the has 11 profest
religion an 6 joined the church I donte want yo to greave after
home for we ante a sufring for any thing to eate Mrs
henderson howard gave me one bushel of courn Miss fany
burtan 1 bushel of wheate Miss mary coner a bushel
of courn Miss betsey burtan 6 pounds of lard we have
as good neighbours as neart could wish I see agread of truble
but I have mist yo a great deale since yo have bin gone I
am vary lonesome but I will put my trust in god if
yo ware but sates fide haley sais that he is apurty girl an she is a eating
a big aple and she sais that she wishes that
yo had some of them
[page 2]
I never got my wheate thrasht yet I think that I will get
it thrashed next weane but I will have now stisfaction to eat it [1]
nowing that yo have none to eate I want to now whether thay ever
have had any fight there yet or not the yanky calvary is
at morganton I heard that the yankey was at wilmington
we have not drawd now money yet nor hearde now tell of
it yet every thing looks well at home I did not rite the
reason I had to moove ant bet has rented it to sam edwards
mary sais that her head has not got well yet she nose all her
absease ann can reade alitle the are all a learning there books [2]
every sunday yo wanted a ciss of susan I will kiss her for yo
martha sais that she wants to see yo mity bad sow I mu[s]t come to a
cloase for this time by saying I remain youre ever afection wife untill death
A E Murph to D W Murph rite soone and forget me not my Dear
- weane = week?
- abseas = abc’s