

Weldon Hospital June 9 1863
My Dear Wife
I received your welcom letter
& was glad to heare from you I saw Charley
last night on his way home to by a horse for
the Curnell I wrote you a few lines by him
& sent you one Dollar & 23 cts in it when you
write to me lett me know if you got it
the box I promist to send you I can not send
it out satturday for I cant get the fish this week
but I exspect that I shall come up home
soon & then I will bring the box with me
the stuard was taulking this eavning about
send me up to by that cooking stove of Mitchel
if he can possiable spare me the Dr says he
is going to fix it so that I can get my money
soon & if I do not get to come home soon
I will send you some money Dump I wrote
to Uncle Wille the other day but I have not
hird from him as yet I will lett you know
just as soon as I get an answer from him
Dump you see now that the money that I
use to spend in whiskey I now send to you
I intend to send it all to you just as fast as
I make it I wrote to Puss the other day
but have not had a answer yet tell Buck that
I could not get that over coart [1]
[page 2]
Dump you wrote me something about selling
some of your meate to get you a bead I want
you to do just as you like about it whatever
arrangiment that you & Mr Hight may
make will be sadisfactory with me if you
want to get the bead & have not made
enough to pay it I will send you some
money just as soon as I have some
Dump do not get out of hearte looking for
me for I shall come just as soon as I can get off
this leaves me The man that was
cooking with me he is now down with the
feaver & I think he will not stand it long
his wife seames to be in greate trubel about
Give my love to all
I remain your devoted housband
J A Patton
kiss Seaf for me

  1. over coart = overcoat
June 9, 1863


Co. G, 47th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Granville County, NC


Name Variant: 


From Note: 
"Weldon Hospital"


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Judith C. Bridges
Transcription Date: 
April, 2011
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
June, 2011

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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