

[the ink of this letter is very light and difficult to read]

Orrings C House Jan 24, 1864
My Deare Wife
As I have the pleasure of
sending this by Mrs Jinkins
I will try & write you a few
lines to tell you how I am
getting on I cant see that I am
any better as yet but I hope that
my health will improve after
a while I think if the board was
eting now that Mrs Jinkins
could get me a furlough but
they will have a board now in
a few days so if you cant gett
<??> to come after me I want
you to gett some one to come
after me I do not care what it
may cost I want to gett <???>
<???> I know can gett me off
if any body can <????> me
any time when gett sick
[page 2]
I would like if you could come with
<???> but I know that you are
<????????????> & with all
the help will be so much <??? <??> but if you will come I
cant <?> if we know these
[page crease and very light]
<????> would <??> you <?? [too light]
next <?>ing with <?> all the
<???????> if it should turn up
so that <???> gett off I would
<???????> the pleasure of seeing you
<???????> gett a plenty
of <??????> likely gets it
<???????>so if you come
<???????>ing a plenty <???????>
ask you <???????> in <??> her
for <?????> you get any thing
<????> a letter <??> seaf you can gett
<?????????> up
<???????> you can <???> if
[page 3]
a trunk full of something to eat
which will so much schu<????>
paying board for it here if you do
come you can get <????????> trunk
to put your things in then it
will cost any thing to bring it
always have your trunk <????>
if you get May to come do not
forgett? my <???????>
& also them boats that sister &
had for me if they are good <????> I gett a furlough I want and <????>
white <???> do not forgett the <?????>
water if you can gett some
come <????> you must gett as much
<????> this [page is folded]
<???> think <???> I will gett
[ink is too light]
<???> Dump you must <???>
<???> you think is <????>
<????> sell? <???????>
<???> I remain your <????> husband
J A Patton

January 24, 1864


Co. G, 47th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Granville County, NC


Name Variant: 


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Judith C. Bridges
Transcription Date: 
April, 2011
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
June, 2011

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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