

Near Frederickesburg va june 13th 1863 [1]

R.L. Proffit Dear Sister
These lines are to inform you whare I am and
what I am doing we have been in line
of battle 9 days expecting a fight but have
failed to git it the yankees have all disappeard
from before our lines and we have mooved out
in the woods and camped we have been faring
vary well we have had pleanty to eat and lay on
our backes and read and sing we taken some
prisoners that was on picket to the amount of
20. they have been afraid to raise thare balloon
in frount of us evry since we have been hear
times are quite still at presant Long Streete
and Ewell are making moovements some whare
Sis I have had the pleashure of see ing many of
my friends in the 26 and 52 I saw Bennet Walsh
Pinkney Walsh T.D. Hawl John A. Foster of
the 52 they are all well John A. Foster sends you
all his best respeckes I have seen all our
freinds in th 37 they are all well &c
[page 2]
I recieved your vary kind and interesting letter
a few minuts ago baring date of june the 8

which grattified me mutch to hear from you
and that you ware all well if I am not mistakn
by reading your letter you have paid for the land
all to $82.00 if I am in form me in your next
Sis as the Troops have somany left N.C.
I think thare will bee a vary good chance for
our brigade to come to N.C this fawl and then
I can git afurlow and come home
and see you and have some good times
Tell Rebeck she can sing for me tell
the girles all I have not forgotten them
and I want to see them the warst in the
wourled Sis as I cant interest you I well
close these lines leaves us well hopeing you
are all well tell Pap and Mother we are all rite
on the goose
Yours as ever A.N. P.
P. S. write soon and fail not direct as
When this you see write to me tho in the ware
I be &c A.N.P.

Near Fredericksburg va June the 14th 1863
Wm Mary & R.L. Proffit Dear father, mother,
and Sister I again write you a few lines
to let you know where I am & what I am
doing We have been laying in line of battle
for the last nine days but we have just
now left the line & moved back a short
dis tance as last night was a dark rainy
night the yankees thought it a fit time
to leave this side of the Rappahannock and
they done so leaving a wagon load of spades
shovels & picks on this side which we got
they have taken up their Pontoon bridges
and are gone I know not where I am
not of the opinion that there will be much
fighting at this point if any as this
is the same place where we whiped
them on the 13th of Dec. last there are
movements going on for a fight some
where but I have no Idea where it will be
I am not very uneasy that I will be in it
provided we stay here
[page 2]
I do not know where W.H. is I have not
heared from him Since the 31st of May he was
well then I guess he is a long the river
place as news is so scarce I will
soon close We have just recd letters from
and R.S and R.l. Proffit and Elizabeth
Miller which was a great pleasure to us
Father I recd your kind letter a few days
since which was read with much
delight I was very sorry that you had had
so much trouble a bout my being killed
I want you to live as cheerful as possible
even if I do get killed I am yet a live and
well and enjoying my self very well
no doubt much better than you who are
at home I will now close please write
soon & give me all the news tel whig
that I have his letter & will answer it
soon give him and all his folks my respe
cts no more but remain yours
with great respect &c A.J. Proffit

  1. Both letters in the same hand.
June 13, 1863


Co. D, 18th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Wilkes County, NC
Co. D, 18th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Wilkes County, NC


Residence (County): 
Wilkes County, GA
Residence (County): 
Wilkes County, NC
Residence (County): 
Wilkes County, GA


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrew Albritton
Transcription Date: 
May, 2010
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
June, 2010
Two letters enclosed; one from Alfred to Rachel; One from Andrew to William, Mary, and Rachel. Both in same hand (perhaps Andrew J. Proffit couldn't write).

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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