

August the 23 1863
Danville v.a.
Dare Cousin hite is
With mush plesor
I take my pen in hande
to Write you afeu lines to
lete you no I am giting
alonge toleber Well I allso
recive you letter afeu dayse
agoe an you mabe shore
I Wase Glade to hare frome
you an to hare you wase all
Well I hante gote no nuse
to rite to you aboute the Ware
I Cante hare mush nuse
I have binne goine to meatin
day an nite fore some time
ther hase binn aprotack meatin [1]
every sens I Came hare I
am glade to tell you of the
nuse thar hase binn some
Eighty soles Con varty sense
this meating Coments an
alarge amounte of them
are sick an Wound solgars
hite is amethis Church I [2]
miss you all vary mush
hite Wase so mush like
olde times tern over [3]
[page 2]
thare is some tharty or forty
yete I no note Whene
hite Will Close I wante you
to give my love to all my
frends an naber I wante to
see you all vary bade
you rote to me somthinge
about they wase holain
pase meating I hope the
Ware Will sone Close an
we Will all gite to Come
home to stay I Woude rate
to you all before now bute
I dide note no When I Wode
starte to my Campine I Wante
you to rite to me Whene you
harde frome the Boys I wante
to see them I may starte to
my Campine soone I no note
When I muste soone bringe
my letter to aclose By saying
rite soone an fale note an
Direch you letter to the Generl hospitl
no.2. the.3.Divison Warde . D
Danville Va I Wille sende you
apase of an you cane
all is from
farewell Philip Walsh
to R.L. Proffit an nancy Walsh

  1. a protracted meeting
  2. a Methodist
  3. turn the page
August 23, 1863


Residence (County): 
Wilkes County, GA


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrew Albritton
Transcription Date: 
May, 2010
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
June, 2010

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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