

Wilmington June 11th 1862 [1]

Dear wife I take pleasure
in writing to you this
which will inform you
that I receive your polite
note of the 6 which found
me verry well indeed hoping
this will reach you and
family all well and well
Satisfied and getting along
verry well with the crop
I have no nuse to send you
our men is still holding
their position in ritchmond
[page 2]
their hav gan four thousand
Soldiers going ritchmond their
is agreate deal of sickness
in camp at this time I
am in Wilmington at this
time on guard duty and shal
remain until Sunday I
Saw mr D S[???]son
yesterday and I sent you
Some paper and an almanac
by him I am sorry to hear
my little Son is porly
[page 3]
in Such bad health you
must give him Some warm
candy and pills you wrote
my hogs were about to dy
please dont let them
perish let them go in the
patch make agap and
let them go in and out
give them colwort leaves [2]
and all the slops meat
is verry high bacon is 25 LBs
per pound beef 20 mutton 30
to 35 pork 20 to 25 per pound
I hope I that get the chanse
[page 4]
to come home after awhile
but I cant tell when
their has ten or fifteen me[n]
run away and gone home
if I have to runaway to
come it will bee sometime
be fore I come I and all
rite and I am going to
try to keep so as long
as I am in service
Yours truly, I Quinn

  1. Ichabod Quinn died on June 27th, about two weeks after writing this letter.
  2. colewort, a type of cabbage
June 11, 1862


Co. C, 51st North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Duplin County, NC


Name Variant: 
Residence (County): 
Duplin County, NC


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Toni Mitchell
Transcription Date: 
January, 2011
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
January, 2011

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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