Nc henderson county
november the 29.1862
Dear brothers i am blest
with another opertunity of
droping you a few more lines
to let you know that i am
not well my throat has not
got well yet but it is a
heap better that it has bin
and i hope that these few
lines will find you all
well paps folks is well as
far as i know times is
mity hard here corn cannot
be bot at three dolars a
bushel ann give 18 dolars
for 30 pound of salt
poark is 25 cents [gra?]
[page 2]
gravs ses the north is thriving
fast on this war [we?] hav herd
they was starving he tels
a defernt tail to that
he saw thousandes of men
drilling and preparing to
come on he sayes they
have fifteen iron clad
vesels now ready to travel
it is the genral belief
of the people that the ware
cannot last much longer
we want to see you all
very bad but i dont
know when i will be
abel to see you the
doctor sayes my complaint
is sutch as he cannot cure
[page 3]
James paris is dead and
willam kuykendall and
patsey thompson they all
died the 21 day the preacher
graves has bin to the north
and stayed three weekes
with the yankeys and
has come back and says
he has the minds of the
pepel in the north and they
told him they wood never
quit fighting till they put
reblioun down he sayes
inglon and france sayes
the thing shall be wound
up soon they are [shiping?]
them to the north by
hundredes and thousandes
[heses?] they will fan us aut soon
[page 4]
I want you all to wright
to me as soon as this
gets to hand and let me
know how you are geting
along I have nothing
more to wright to you
at this time onley I
hope that god will
spare all of you to get
back to your homes
one more time
so nomore at present
But i remain your
loving brother
untill Deathe
J T Revis
to J M and J W and
Alberter Revis