

Oct 29th 1863
Dear wife I take the presant
opertunity of answren your
kind letter which I red
which with pleasure
it found me in bad heal
I have bin in bad health
for ten days with my
bowels Sumthing like
flux and fevar I am sum
beter now but not well
yet I have bin on the
Sick list for a week
I am taking Spirits of terpin [1]
ons lodnum [2] all the time
I am not confin to bead
I think i am over the worst
but it has worred me bad
Sam c [3] is Sick agin with the 
chills but is better gut
them Stopt again out of a
leven 9 bin Sick 3 grunting
[page 2]
Mage I am in the tent
writing to you this is
lection day here I have
votid for Ramsy I dont
know whether I don rite
or not Mag I heerd george
Ander is kild pore fello
that is the last of him
I wod like to here from
D. A. Caldwell an W. L c
write Soon and let me
no this is a hard place
I received my Box B [???]
gut here Safe but the
box dident do me much
good for I hant eat
any thing for two weeks
but a litle coffe bescut
crumb in it I wrote you
2 leters last week the 18 20
I hant gut much more
to write to you Mag &c
[page 3]
Mag the days is hot
and the knights is cold
big dues [4] the helth of this
place is improving rite
Smart the isent more
half of the btalion

Sick now there is no
bad Sickness here
chils an fevars and
belliake you never heerd
of the like there is the
Shabbys folks ever you
Saw in your lif all

tired of this war
I dont think no wonder
war is a hard place
Shore Soldiers fairs
like hogs and cows take
wether Just as it cums
[page 4 missing?]

  1. turpentine
  2. laudanum
  3. Samuel Caldwell]
  4. big dues = heavy dews
October 29, 1863


Co. C, 10th Battalion North Carolina Heavy Artillery
Residence (County): 
Cabarrus County, NC


Residence (County): 
Cabarrus County, NC


From Note: 
Not Listed


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
November, 2011
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2011

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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