

July the 2 1863
Dear wife I now Set mi Self
down this morning to ancer your kind
letter that I received yestorday and
was glad to hare from you and all
of the children that you all was well
onely you Sed mary was not well
and sweete loving wife I want
you to take care of all of our chil
dren and doo the best you can
I will Say to you that I am well
at this time and hope when these
few lines cums to your loveing
hands that tha may find you and
all the rest well I haveent much
nuse to wright to you at this time
I Started aletter to you last Sunday
and I had rote to you that we was
25 miles north of Richmond and
we ar ther yet agarding abridg
and I dont no how long we will
Stay heer we ar alooking for
the yanks every day to cum and try
to burn the bridg turn over
[page 2]
mi darling wife I will Say
to you we have bin her one weeke
and we hant had one bite of bread
sence we have bin hea we git
som crackers and bacon and not
half anuf of that but mi
loveing wife I dont want yu to
fret your Self about me I will
try and take care of mi Self if I
can and I want you to be stesfide
as well as you can for I hope to god
that I will See you agane in this
world I would give all the
world if it was mine to See you
one time more and live like
we all ways did but I hope to
god the war will Soon end and
we all can cum home and
Stay at home So mi loveing
wife I want you to write
to me and tel me how you
ar gitting along with your
work and let me no whether
youve got the wheat all cut or not
[page 3]
Dear loveing wife I want you to
tel me whether you got that money
that I Sent with Mr Seats or not you
Dident Say ennything aboutit in your
letter wether you goit or not I Sent 50
Dollars and alfred bost Sent 26 Dollars
and he wants to no wether you got it
ornot mi Darling wife I want you
wight to me every few days and
let me no how you ar gitting along
and tel me whether the Small pox
is in newton or not I hard it was
and I hard 4 of Daniel raders family
had the Small pox mi Darling
Wife I want you to take care of you
Self and our children for I dont no
what you will Doo if you git it
So mi Sweete Darling wife I
must close for this time by
prayig to god to have mursey upon
us and Spar our lives So that we
can See each other agane in world
Daniel Setzer to his Beloved
wife Susan Setzer, god bless you
[page 4]
July the 2 1863
Dear Son I Set mi Self down
to wright you afew lines to let
you no that I am well at pres
ent and hope when these few
lines cums to your dear hands
that tha ma find you well and
doing the best you can I recken
you have for got me for you don’t
wright to me enny more I want
you to wright to me and tel me
whether you ar dun cutting
wheat or not and how you ar
agitting along in the corn and
tel me how much oats we got
and ry and I want you to
put it up wen ever it gits
dry the wheat in the big
field you mist Stackit the best
you can and try and Save it
I want you to tel me how big
your corn is I hant Seede non ne
hi yet out her So I mus close
Daniel Setzer to car Setzer

July 2, 1863


Co. K, 46th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC
Name Variant: 
Full name is Robert Carr Setzer, but goes by Carr
Co. K, 46th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


From State: 
From Note: 
perhaps near Richmond


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Gemma Bellhouse
Transcription Date: 
June, 2010
Not listed

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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