Camp near gordens vill va
this the 25th of Septem ber 1863
Dear beloved wife I now Set mi Self
don this mrning to write you afew lines
to let you no that I am well at this time
and hope when these few lines
cums to your loveing hands that tha
will find you and all of our children
well and dooing the best yo can
Dear wife I will Say to you that
we got to the ridg ment yestorday
and we ar garded yet and I dont
no how long we will bee garded
yet we hant had nothing Sed to us
about run ning away yet So I
cant Say to you what tha will doo
with us yet but I dont want you
to bee un easey about me I dont
think tha will hurt us but I
dont want to bee garded much
lon ger no how for I am tired of
bee ing garded
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Dear loveing wife I will Say to
you that thir is agoing to bee a
fite out hur Som place before
long I think I Seede more people for
the last few days then I all most ever
Saw in mi life I Seede mor calverrey
men then I ever Saw in mi life
Dear loveing wife I will Say to you that
mi things what I left is her yet all
but mi drawers and lewis is aware
in them he ses he will pay me for
them So I mus close for this time by
Saying to yu when you rite direct your
letter to Rich mond like you all
ways did Daniel Setzer to Susan Setzer
Car nath and calob and sis and
mary and mi Sweete little
babe god bless you all I
hope that god will Spar mi life to
See you all agane god bles you
all is mi pray er for christ sake amen