

January the 26th 1864
Dear loveing wife I Set mi
Self don this morning to write
you afew lines to let you no that
I am well at present and hope
and pray to god when those few
lines cums to your loveing hands
that tha may find you and all
of our loveing children well and
doing the best you can Dear love
I received too letters yestorday and
was glad to hare from you all
that you all was well Dear love
ing wife I never got mi box
til this morning I was alooking
forit for the last ten days before
it cum the things in the box was
Some of them moleded but not
Spoilt the Sweete potatoes was all
rotten I Sold ten dollars worth
of bread in les then one hour
[page 2]
Dear loveing wife I was
verry glad to git Sum thing
to eate that was fit to eate
one time more Dear loveing wife
I dont want you to bee troubeld
about me I will doo the best I can
you Sed in your letter that had hurd
that tha was agoing to Send us to the
Pennetenchry but I dont think
ther is enny danger of that I want
you to try and be Satesfide as well
as you can and I will doo the Same
Dear loveing wife you Sed in your
letter that Mr James Setzer had not
pade you that corn and wheat yet
I want him to pay it and Settel
his part of what we made with
the [?]ack the last Season and take
areceit to Sho how you Settle
wen I cum home
[page 3]
Dear loveing wife I have no
noos to rite worth nameing
I will Say to you that we ar Still
in the gard house yet and I dont
no how long tha will keepe us
in yet Dear love I am agitting
mity tired of Such a place
but I will do the best I can and
hope and pray to god the time
will cum that we can git out
agane and go about like I all
ways did Dear loveing wife I
hope and pray to god mi heave
enley father to Spar mi life to
See you all one time more in
this world So I must close for
this time hopeing to See you agane
god bless you and all of our chil
dren is mi prayer for Christ Sak
amen Daniel Setzer to his loveing
wife Susan Setzer
[page 4]
January the 16th 1864
Dear Son I Set mi Self don this
morning to rite you afew lines
to let you no that I am well at
this time and hope when those
few lines cums to your hands
that tha may find you and all
the rest of the children well and
dooing the best you can I got the
things youones Sent to me I was glad
to See them Shoos cum for I was
nareley barfooted and was to
git that ax to for we had to make
fire out of brush you Sed in
your letter that you want ted me
to Send you Some powder I will
the first chance I have to git en
ny I have bin triing to git some
ever Since you rote for Some so
I mus close for this time
Daniel Setzer to Car Setzer

January 26, 1864


Co. K, 46th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC
Name Variant: 
Full name is Robert Carr Setzer, but goes by Carr
Co. K, 46th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


From Note: 
Not Listed


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Gemma Bellhouse
Transcription Date: 
June, 2010
Not listed

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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