

March the 7th 1864
Dear loving wife I Set mi
Self don this morning to write
you afew lines to let you no
that I am tolerbel well at
pres ant oneley mi leg is not
well yet it is verry bad it
is Sweld from mi knee don
to mi foot and mi foot is
Sweld So much that I cant
git mi Shoo on I hant had mi
Shoo on in too weeks I made
me aShoo out of cloth that I
ware I think it will hafter
bee opend at mi ankel mi
ankel is So stif that I cant
hardley walk Sometimes
I hant don ennything Since
I Cum out of the gard house
Some ses that it is the white
Swellin in mi leg the doctor
never Sed what he thort
was the matter with it I ask
him Severel times but he dident Say
[page 2]
Dear loveing wife I dont
want you to bee troubeld
about me I will try and
doo the best I can and I hope
and pray to god to have murcy
upon us and lenthen the Silver
cord of our lives So we can
See each other agane in this
troubelSom world and live
to gether one time more
Dear love I hope and pray
to god when those few lines
cums to your loveing hands
that tha may find you and
all of our loveing Children
well and dooing the best you
can Dear love you dont no
how bad I want to See you
all I have most forgot how
you look mi Sweete little
babe I want to See verry
bad and all the rest of you
I hope and pray to god this war
will Soon end
[page 3]
Dear loveing wife I will
Say to you that I got mi thing
you Sent with Mr gilberd
and was verry glad to git
Somthing from home one time
more I had got too letters from
you on Saturday and I rote
you one on Sunday before
Mr gilberd Cum and he
brout me one and I have
bin looking for one from you
for the last few days but
I hant got non Sence the one
gilberd brought Dear love
I have Some of the meete and
butter you Sent yet Dear
love we dont git no meete
her not half a mes aday I
got Some Satturday evning
and it mis doo til Tuseday
evening and I Could eate
it all at one time if I was
well Dear love I want you to
Send me Somthing when ever you can
[page 4]
Dear love we oneley git one
pint of cornmeal aday for
bred and that hant half anuf
we cant buy nothing her
the money wont pas no more
I want you to rite to me and
tel me what you have don
with money I want to
no whether you ar going to
git abond for it or not I
dont care what you with
it you may doo as you think
best withit Dear love you
Sed you wantted Some Soda
I will Send you Some the first
Chance I can git So I mus
close for this time by Say
ing to you rite Soon as you
git this letter and let me
no how you ar all gitting
along god I hope will Spar
mi life to See you all agane
Daniel Setzer to his loveing
wife Susan Setzer

March 7, 1864


Co. K, 46th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


From Note: 
Not Listed


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Gemma Bellhouse
Transcription Date: 
June, 2010
Not listed

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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