State of VA Vergina Camp near
dinwida Court house [1] September
the 21 1864 Dear wife and
childrn it is with pleasure
i seat my self this mornin to
drop you a few lines to let you
no that i am wel hopeing
when theas lines come to
hand theay wil fin you all
wel i received your kind letter
last nite dated the 15 i was
glad to hare from you all
and to hare that you was wel
but i was sorry to hare thed
you complane that you
dont get no letters its not
my falt for this is the
[page 2]
leter i rote this month so
it ant my falt i received a
letter from israel a few days
ago he sed he had to report at
sailsbury the 14 i would have
ben glad he coul come here to me
for i think it would be beter
for him you sed you waned
to no if i ever had got enny
close i got one pare of pants
only i am out of shoos and socs
i get plenty to eat such as it is
i dont get taters and chickns and
pise [2] like yo have my horse
looks wel i get plenty for him
to eat you sed you wanted to no
if i had my wath [3] yet i have
it yet i want to no what
[page 3]
by israel flying round losson
propss i told you in my last
letter a bout our rade we
made a rade to the yankes lines
and capturd 2560 head of beef
cattle and to toock a yanky camp
and three hunderd prisners and
every thing they had we lost
about twenty five men in
all none out of our bregade
i was in the charge when
the camp was taken a grate
meny of them got a way my
last letter told you how it
was i went threw the hole
of it safe i thank the lord
for it all and i hope he wil
stil perserve my life i
want you to tel me ho[?]
[page 4]
[???] go from about there and
what has bcome of elly hew
is he dead or a live or dont he car
enny thing a bout me i have ben
looking for a letter from all the
time if i live i expect to get home
this winter they say our redgm
nt wil be disband this winter
we have preachin in our
ridment to day i have nothing
more to rite at this time tel me
all about how you are getting
a long o how glad i would bee
to sea you all and eat some
fresh pork with you and to
kis my purty little baby
i hope the lord wil bles you all
is my prayer Franklin Setzer
to Carline Setzer
- Dinwiddie Court House
- pise = peas
- watch?