[letter written by Calvin Childers]
Camp near orrange C H
Nov 20th /63
father mother brothers and Sisters
I embrace the present opportunity of
writing you a few lines which by reading
will inform you that I am well and
harty truly and for ever hoping thes few
lines may reach you in due time &
find you all well and doing well I
havent received no letter from home
Since Calvin Childers come down
I begin to think you have for gotten
me but I hope not and if you haint
I want you to rite to me as Soon as
you git my letter and fail not in
So doing and gave me all of the
news in that country I have no
news of interest to write at present
we are hear in our old camps yet
and I Some times think we will
winter hear but I cant tell it
is Said that the yankees is going
in to wards Fredricksburg and if
[page 2]
that be So I expect we will have
to go down there tel Calvin Childers
folks he is well and harty and John
Black is well and harty I want you
to write to me every chance you git and
fail not in So doing and gave me
all of the news in Ashe and rite
how all of my con nection is
coming on and tell Joseph Sexton
he had better come quickly for he
is reported Absence without leave
and I want you to Send me
Something to eat all you can
for no more at present only re
main your affectionate Son
until death
Thornton Sexton
Mr Pryar Sexton
Written by Calvin Childers