

Camp Moris
May 26th /62

My Dear father I would
have wrote you sooner but wee can
not Git any paper hear that is fit
to write on and if I had plenty
wee have bin on Picket 3 weeks
and have not had the time
to write and wee ar going to
start to Schotland neck [1] and
Ronoak River in the morning
and I want you to wirte as soon
as you can I will further procede
to tell you what sp wee
come when on picket wee
could see them all most any
time wee would look for them
wee had no hard battle we
only went as ca scurmeshers wee
dismounted 2 of our cavaldry
Cos. and fierd on them and they
evacuated a little town 12 miles
this side of Neuborn and wee
went next day and found
[page 2]
Kanteens Belts habersacks and other
thing too numerous to menchon
wee got no yankees the 2 N.C. cavel[?]
tuck 5. prisners and Killed 4 men
our loss was one Killed and 3 wonded
wee lost non in our Regt
Dear father I receivd a letter
from your kind hand last evning
I was varry sorrow to hear that
ant Jane was ded now pore little
little childran I am so sorrow
for them I know how they feel
I am sorrow to my varry hart I
hope she is gon home pleas write
some more when you have time
and bee shure to say somthing
about my lonsom little cosins
I fear you cannot read this letter
it is don in a hurry pleas look
over it this time
time will
not low mee to
write any more wee ar
all well my mess sends you a
their Respects J. A. Shipman
Co. G. 1st NC

  1. Scotland Neck, Halifax Co., NC
May 26, 1862


Co. G, 1st North Carolina Cavalry, "Buncomb Rangers"
Residence (County): 
Henderson County, NC


Residence (County): 
Henderson County, NC


From Note: 
"Camp Moris"; likely in or near NC


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
November, 2008
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2008

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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