

Front Line near Wilmington, N.C.
Feb, 1 st. 1865
My Dear Mother,
I this day Seat my
Self to drop you a few lines
to inform you that I am Well
at present, hopeing that thies
few lines may come Safe to
hand and fined you Enjoying
the Best of helth. The reason
that I hav not Writen you
Before now, I hav Bin looking
for a letter, from you, But I
hav not had a letter from you
in three Months, Deare
Mother I hav now News to
Write only that they hav got
the peice quston upt here.
Now, Times is veary heard
Hear now, We draw tow days
Rashings at a time and I
[page 2]
Can Eate the two days Rashing
of Meat and bread at one
Meal. We do not get half a
nufe to eat here now,
Mother I Would Send you
Some Money By James
Smith But I hav not got But
one Dollar in the World, nor I
cant tell When I Shall git any
more for they Say that they
are not going to pay us any
more Money untill april
Deare Mother I hav not got
a thing to send you, I tried
to By your Comb But could
not git one, Mother I Would
Bee glad if you could send
me a quart of Brandy By James
and if he can Bring then I
Want you to send me one
peck of peas or meal if
[page 3]
you hav got them to Spare, I
rather hav the peas, and try
and Send me a pare of Socks
and Some good Sewing Coton
if you hav got it to spare send
three or four pounds of dried
Beef, and quart of Molasses.
But dont think that James
can git and Way to git them
to Tarboro Mother I
must come to a Close
as I am in a great hur
ry. I hope that Lord
Will Bee With you, I Will
Write you again in afew
days. I hav got a plenty of
Cloths at present. giv my
lov to all. Nothing more at
present only I Remain
your affect Son untill Death
Edgar Smithwick

February 1, 1865


Co. H, 61st North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Martin County, NC


Residence (County): 
Martin County, NC


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
November, 2010
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2010

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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