

November the 10 1862
camp five Miles South West
of culpeper cort house
Dear Wife
I take the opertuney to rit yoo
fewe lines to let you knoo that
I am well at present I hope when
thos few lines comes to hand
tha Ma find you and all
of the rest well at home and we
did not git our Shouse and bwots
we left the old campe on friday
Morning and March to Richmond
and stad thar tell Nine ocloke in
night and we got the carse ontell
next day and we Stope at Mitchel
Station and we Stad thare tell
Nine oclocke Satter Night and then
we March three Miles out to
ceadear Run we ar heare noo but I
dont knoo hoo long we will
sta heare we lie onder a bresh tent
we heare the caneon plane and
I Should Sopos tha is a heve
batle on hand and I expect we
Will git in at hit the firen is
over on the cenando river [1] noo a bout
Seven Miles of us and
I expect we will git March orders
[page 2]
be for Niht I have Nuth of
aney import to rit onely bad more
nuse and am Sorey haft ot [2] rit Sutch
Nuse to[?] you but this Ma be the
last time that I will git to rit
to you you Must live content and
not grive for me I hant no wais
on easy a tall but what I will git
home agin but hit Ma be a good while
yet I am very well Sadeis as for
the time we ar in the reler armey
we Sufferd rit Smart while we was
on the cares tha was a bout
too inches dwepe James is well
John S[??]zer is well all So I have
to Rit I Must brind my to a
close Nuth more at present ondley
remand your affct Husband on tell
death rit soon
Direct your leters to Richmond
From R Spainhourd
To Phebe Spainhour

When this you see rmembe Me
Tho may miles a aprt We
ma be
Far from home
Direct your leter to Richmond

  1. cenando = possible mistake for Rapidan?
  2. ot = to
November 10, 1862


Name Variant: 
Co. D, 57th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Forsyth County, NC


Name Variant: 
Residence (County): 
Forsyth County, NC


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
"camp five Miles South West of culpeper cort house"


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
September, 2011
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2011

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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