Deney J. Stack

First Name: Deney
Middle Name(s): J.
Last Name: Stack
Residence (County): 
Union County, NC

The Stack and Hilton families lived in Union County, North Carolina. At the time of the 1860 census, Amos Stack (b. ca. 1818) and his wife, Sarah (b. ca. 1830) had five children. The two oldest were Laura (age 12) and Deney (age 10), and they were the authors of the following letter. The letter is directed to their uncle, Leroy R. Hilton (b. ca. 1840), who was serving as a private in Co. B, 26th North Carolina Infantry.

Authored Letters

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
ID Letter Datesort ascending Author Recipient From To
9908 Stack1 November 28, 1861 Laura A. Stack , Deney J. Stack Leroy R. Hilton Union County, NC

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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