
Title Given Familysort ascending Unit Rank
Mary A. Walker Mary Walker
A. J. Wade A. J. Wade Company B, 51st NC Infantry Private to Sgt.
Allis Via Allis Via
Pattie Vernon Pattie Vernon
Zebulon Baird Vance Zebulon Vance
Benjamin C. Vance Benjamin Vance
Abraham Van Loon Abraham Van Loon
Christopher Van Loon Christopher Van Loon Co. H, 107th New York Infantry private
Abraham Van Loon Abraham Van Loon Co. H, 107th New York Infantry
Christopher Van Loon Christopher Van Loon Co. H, 107th NY Infantry Private
Isham Simms Upchurch Isham Upchurch Co. G, 16th North Carolina Infantry private
Williford Upchurch Williford Upchurch Co. I, 6th North Carolina Infantry
Delia Upchurch Delia Upchurch
Winston Upchurch Winston Upchurch
Matthew Upchurch Matthew Upchurch
Margaret Unknown Margaret Unknown
Jacob Uhl Jacob Uhl Co. C, 49th Ohio Infantry musician; private
Daniel Uhl Daniel Uhl
James Tyson James Tyson 26th North Carolina Infantry
Lucinda Tweed Lucinda Tweed
William Turner William Turner 1st Regiment South Carolina Rifles
Elisha Turner Elisha Turner Co. C, 25th Maine Infantry private
Mary J. Turner Mary Turner
Henry Turner Henry Turner
Emma Turner Emma Turner

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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