
Title Givensort descending Family Unit Rank
"Dear Children" "Dear Children"
"Dear Cousin" "Dear Cousin"
"Dear Friend" "Dear Friend"
"Dear Mother" "Dear Mother"
"Meny Citizens" "Meny Citizens"
"the female Sect" "the female Sect"
A. P. Corn A. Corn
A. S. Harrill A. Harrill Company I, 1st NC Cavalry Private
A. R. Harris A. Harris Co. C, 16 North Carolina Infantry
A. Pinkney Ward A. Ward Co. K, 35th North Carolina Infantry
A. R. Lister A. Lister Co. B, 22nd South Carolina Infantry Private
A. S. Moss A. Moss
A. W. Zachery A. Zachery
A. Campbell A. Campbell
A. D. Brady A. Brady Major and Provost Marshal
A. A. Bost A. Bost
A. J. Barnhill A. J. Barnhill
A. J. Wade A. J. Wade Company B, 51st NC Infantry Private to Sgt.
Aaron Huffer Aaron Huffer
Aaron Payne Aaron Payne
Aaron Peterson Aaron Peterson
Abby Lane Abby Lane
Abby Putnam Abby Putnam
Abby Putnam Abby Putnam
Abetha A. Crowell Abetha Crowell

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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