

[the family name is also spelled Roberson and Robison]

May the 3 63

Mr G B Woody dear frend
it is with plasur that I
Seat my Self to drop you
a fiew lines to let you no
that I am well at this
time and I hope thees
lines will find you well
I can Say to you that
I recevd your kind leter
the 2 and was glad to
hear that you was well
is not very well
She has ben goen down
for Some time but Still
goes about you wanted
mee to rite how your
bulls look I can Say to
you that tha are thin
but is pirt and harty
but the <??>men is in
this Setlement and I
am onesy about them
but I will doo the best
I can with them and
[page 2]
that is all I can doo I
can Say to you that creen
went down about the
holer popler and the malita
went and kild tom baley
and told hur to leev in
too days and I Supose She
is gon with the childern
and that is all I can tell
you about hur you said
yow wanted mee to rite to
you if I cood Spare the time
and I can Say to you that
I never git too bisey
to rite to you nor to go
to the ofice for I rite to
you evry week or too
I Sent wone by tom
young and has mald
one or too Sence and I
dont want you to think
hard of mee for I doo rite
and will rite as long
as I can Set up to rite
[page 3]
I can say to you that I
looken for morg to hav to [his son, Morgan Robertson]
Start evry day after the 11
for that is conscript day but
I dont no whare he will
go i can Say to you that
your fameley is well george
is at my hous now and
that fite that pet told
you about is part a li
cath did run creen off
with rocks but Sis did
not Strike hur with
ahoe atall but if i had
got thare alitle Sooner
She wood a ben Struck
to a done Som good I
can Say to you that
I want you to try to
come home and ef morg
wants to go to your
compeney to take him
but he dont Say whare
he wants to go too
[page 4]
pap and the children
all sends you ther lov
and best respects and Ses
to remember them for
tha often think of you
and wants to see you
the worst in the world
I will giv you Some
prices corn is worth 3 dollar
per bushel bacon 1 dollar
per pound cows from 50 to 60
dollars thred 12 dollas a
bunch cloth 125 per yard
and evry thing in
perpton to that So I
will Stop riten for this
time by Sayen rite Soon
if you pleese and i will
doo the Same to you this
from george Roberson and
fameley to his nephue
G B Woody So fare
well for this time

May 3, 1863


Name Variant: 
Roberson, Robison


Co. C, 58th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Yancey County, NC


From State: 
North Carolina
From Note: 
Not Listed, likely NC


To Note: 
Not listed

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
April, 2011
Not listed

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    University of Georgia
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