

Head quarters hamptons legeon
Prince Will liam co va feb ruary
the 27 . 1862
Dear father i Seat my Self down
this morning to let you now
that wee air all well
And when this comes to hand
I hope hit will find you all well
Pau you Stated that you was alit
tle Sick i was Sorry to hear that
but hope that you will git well
Pau i re sceive yore let ter last
that that dated february
the 18 on my birthday hour com
Pany is out on picket i Stood
Picket guard last night
And hit was araining all
night i stood a mile from
the company right in the
wuil der nes right in the fork
Whar the ocquon bay rus in
the per tomack river and
[page 2]
tha yankeys on the other
Side of the river the river is
About too miles wide i Stood in the
Rain too hourers by my Self my gun
And pistole was loaded if a yankey
Had a com i wood a kill him hit was
So darke that i coodent See not
one thaing to Save my life
I cood hear the musrats arunning
About all around me pau as Soon
As i git my box i will right
I mus come to aclose fair you well
A. H. Dalton
lis ihave nothing of importance
to Right the talk is now that
Wee will go to tennie see
but idont now whe ther hit
Is So or not i resceive alet
ter from aron payne last
night i was glad to hear that
Him and famley was well
tell him isend my best
Respects to you all and all of
the nabours So fair you well
paper is selling one dollar a quair
Invelops 50 cts apack A. H. Dalton

February 27, 1862


Co. F, Infantry Regiment, Hampton Legion
Residence (County): 
Greenville County, SC


Residence (County): 
Greenville County, SC


From State: 
From County: 
Prince William


To State: 
South Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
July, 2014

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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