Sullivans Island Sept 16th 1862
My Dear Wife I have Just received
your of the 12 inst today not more welcom
is the appearance of an inn to a weary
travler than your Kind letter was
to me, I was happy to learn that you
and my sweet little sisy was injoying
good helth I hope it may continue
with you I am quite well at this time
Dear Rachel you stated in your letter
that you antisipated that wee would
have and attact heare some time soon
but I think you are under a mistaken
idia, the yankes have got a plent to doe
in theire own northen states to defend
theire own towns and city. I saw in todays
paper that our army have crossed the
potomac and Marched by washington
and Baltimore and are now in
pencilvania slaying as tha go while
our army ware Marching through
Mariland the Marilander flocked
[page 2]
to them and have aded some fifty
thousand to our army and the ladys
of Mariland greeted our sldiers with
shouts of Joy hoping that theire old
state will be once more redeemed
thefore I think if our army can be
successfull a while longer wee may Expect
to have peace and what a happy time
that will be to them that lives to see it
when wee can all be permited to return
to our native country and injoy the happy
im bracis of the loved ones wee have left
behine, Dear Rachel I saw in your letter that
you had discover a rattle snake in the stable
I would like to no what kind it was whether
it was a largeone or not: I rote to you last mail
but I see no account of you having received
it in what you rote to me, you must be
cearfull with little sisey in runing about
the lot an the old fencing for feare she may git
snakebit right do the hogs git in the field yet and
do your pig fatin or not your affectionate Husban
Mrs Rachel. E. Jefcoat } John J. Jefcoat
[added in the top margin of page 2]
Rachel you will pleas send the inclosed
letter to Henry