

Sullivan Iland Sept 28th 1862
Dear Wife I seat myself to drop you
a few lines which leaves me injoying
tolerable good helth hoping this may
reach you injoying the best of helth
Dear Rachel I have no news of greate
importance to right to you but will
give you a sketch of some there has
bin a goodeal of Excitement in the band
of which I belong severl of the members
have becom dissatisfied with Mr.
Karer as a teacher an have caused
the Col to discharge him Mr karer
has gon home he left heare Esterday
the Col has Engaged Mr wiging to
teach us this is the same teacher
that tought the band at for[t] moultry
I cant tell how we will git along
yet but I Expect we will be under
much stricter Orders than we weare
before, to morrow capt Damullys [1]
company has to moove to the upper
[page 2]
End of this Island tha will
have to remain theire for one
Month the distance is about 3 or 4
miles from heare I will remain
heare with the Band I Expect to
tacke charge of the room myself
and also take ceare of the hous and
rooms for the captain I woul be
glad if you could arange your affairs
at home so you could come down
with Henry and stay a week or
two with me I will be lonsom
heare after tha all leave
Dear Rachel I have not got Enny
Money yet I am verry sorry to be
kept out of it so long I would be
glad to have sent you some
if you should make arangemets to
come try to git Henry to pay your
Expences hear as he has some confedrate
Money so as not to spend the Money
that you have on the Bank of the
[page 3]
State and as soon as I git money
I will pay him I am Expecting to
git money Evry day if you come
you must git some one to take
ceare of your thing and before you
leave put the Barrel of Sault
in the room wheare the meet and
flower is and Lock up Evry thing
but whit is nessesary to be left
out if you cane git Henry to make
you some kind of a box and bring
something &c &c but I leave all
this matter with yourself whether
you can leave thing at home satis=
=fied or not you must Excercis your
own Judgment and doo what you
think to be for the best
I cant give Enny idia when I can
come home tha have stoped giving
furloughs and god only knows when
tha will grant them a gain
if you come try to bring sisey with
you I would be glad to See her too
[page 4]
Dear Rachel before I close
I must say to you that wee had
a fine meeting heare held by
Mr Manardy last knight he got
19 members and a great menny
morners it was the greatest
revival that I have seen in a
long time and I must say that
I dont think I Ever injoyed a
better meeting better in my life
than I did last knight
Right to me as soon as this
comes to hand I have rote to
Henry too diferant times sience
I have bin heare tell him I think
strang of his not answer my letters
Accept my best love for yourself
give sisey my love
your Affectionate husband
untill Death
Mrs R. E. Jefcoat { John J Jefcoat

  1. Capt. Richard V. Dannelly of Co. D
September 28, 1862


Co. D, 20th South Carolina Infantry
Musician, Private, Sergeant
Residence (County): 
Orangeburg County, SC


Residence (County): 
Orangeburg County, SC


From State: 
South Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
South Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
February, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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