

Sullivans Island Battry Marshal Feb 22th 63
Dear Brother
It is with pleasure that I
Seat my Self to respond to yours of the 9 inst
which came to hand a few minuets a go which
renderd me great pleasure to here from you
and to hear that you was on the mend and to
here that the rest of my friends was all
well and injoing good health
This leaves me in bad health I have
been complaining for Several days but
keep up an going a bout I have been taking
medicon from Dr Salley for 7 or 8 days
and I do not See that I mend eney yet
I have a Swimming in my head pain in my
back and Sick at my Stomache which
renders me verry unhappy in camps
Joel is well and harty as a buck Calvin
is on the mend but not able for duty
the rest of the Camp is generly well
The band is getting along Slowly I
think they have been making a rite smart
inquery a bout you and talked of Sending
after you but I recon this cestipeate
will Settle there quarling I havent eney verry
interesting news to write to you everry thing is
quet down here at presant Only the officers
Still keep pressing down tighter and tighter
thay can not get much worse accordin to
army regulations I wrote a letter to Father and
sent it off yesterday informing him that
I had received the box that he sent me
I neglected Saying eneything a boat the mon
ney that he Sent me by J. T. Inab[eret?]
I receved the thirty dollars that he Sent
So all is right Concerning the Box and money
you must inform him of this fact as I did not think
of it
[page 2]
John if I do not begen to mend in a few days
more I Shal make an effert to get a furlough
and come home for I am getting verry tierd
of moping a bout down here Altho it is
a verry uncertin busness a bout getting
off of this Island I must come to a close
as I have nothing interresting to write a bout
Give my respects to all inquiring friends
and reserv a portion afor your Self
Wright Soon Yours Truly
To H W Jefcoat
Mr J J Jefcoat
Pleas hand the in closed to
my Little Sissey in So doing you
will oblige H W Jefcoat
Dear Brother
As regards my hogs if you
move before Hariet coms home you must
take them to the Old mans if it wont
be two much truble to you Harret
is going home Saturday morning and
Ses shee will take them to the old
mans Furticks as soon as she can
get the chance If you think it will be
two much truble you can let them
Stay whar thay are untel Hariet can
have them taken away
Nothing more but Still
Remans yours Truly
C A Jefcoat

February 22, 1863


Co. D, 20th South Carolina Infantry
Private, Sergeant, First Sergeant
Residence (County): 
Orangeburg County, SC
Co. D, 20th South Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Orangeburg County, SC


Co. D, 20th South Carolina Infantry
Musician, Private, Sergeant
Residence (County): 
Orangeburg County, SC


From State: 
South Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
South Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
February, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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